It’s summertime, which means summer movie season, so it’s the perfect time for a little sports movie content — and no, not some lazy ranking of the top sports movies of all time.
You know that list anyway, with a smattering of “Breaking Away,” Chariots of Fire,” “Field of Dreams,” “Hoosiers,” “Slap Shot,” “Rocky” and others.
Now, for full disclosure, the correct answer atop any such list is “Bull Durham,” with my bias being that the film came out the second summer of my employment with a Double-A baseball team, the Williamsport Bills, and the validation for the film coming from the wife of the team manager.
Our team manager was former MLB standout Mike Hargrove, known as “the Human Rain Delay,” for his routine while at bat and he was also the first Texas-born player to play for the Texas Rangers (that’s your baseball trivia for the day). Anyway, the team watched the film together and Sharon Hargrove left the theater saying, “Yep, that’s minor league baseball.”
It was early in the season, so I was a bit surprised and maybe naïve, but she proved correct. Enjoyably so.
Still, this is not a column about a list. Instead it’s a compilation — with the favorite sports films of Penn State coaches.
With “IF” (Invisible Friends) out this summer, my approach was to reach out to some coaching friends and ask about their favorite sports films and why.
Many coaches got back rather quickly, some with brief answers and some with a lot more context — comments and insights worthy of a film critic. Sincere thanks to all of them for responding.
A few coaches did not respond because they were still in season. Others were apparently busy, especially the Penn State basketball coaches in this new NIL/pay-for-play era who are no doubt working on their own versions of “The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh” or “The Replacements.”
Here’s who did respond, though. Enjoy …
Erica Dambach, women’s soccer
“Caddyshak” … what a cast!
(She’s not wrong.)
James Franklin, football
(A safe football pick.)
Jeff Tambroni, men’s lacrosse
“Miracle” … The greatest sports movie about the greatest sporting event.
(He’s not wrong.)
Jeff Cook, men’s soccer
I would say “Invictus,” a great film connecting the painful history of Apartheid South Africa to the sport of rugby and their famous World Cup victory. Although I am not a rugby coach, the film struck a chord with me regarding the power of sports to change the mindset of the country.
(You have to love a thoughtful answer.)
Guy Gadowsky, men’s hockey
“The Color of Money” … I think it’s the only role Paul Newman is better in than “Slap Shot.” I’m not a Tom Cruise fan but he was definitely great in this one. I am a Forest Whittaker fan and although he didn’t have a big role, he was so good. Plus, it’s the best soundtrack next to “Surf’s Up.”
(You’re left wondering about the apparent diversity of his CD collection. He still has CDs for music, right? And you have to love a pool movie.)
Mark Pavlik, men’s volleyball
(He went full-on movie critic with list of films and reasons. Pav regularly tells people Penn Staters are ordinary people who do extraordinary things — it’s one of my favorite sayings ever — and he’s clearly extraordinary here, going above and beyond.)
No. 1, “A League of Their Own” … Jimmy Duggan is the coach everyone quotes and secretly wants to be! I mean, the classic “There’s no crying in baseball!” and, “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great!” is the best sports movie quote ever in my humble opinion.
No. 2, “Hoosiers” … Now that is a study in coaching! Plus, Jimmy Chitwood doesn’t miss a shot in the movie!
No. 3, “Miracle” … Herb Brooks gives to his team at the perfect time the best culture reinforcing speech I have ever heard! Plus, with a Mark Pavelich skating for Team USA, how could it not make my list!
No. 4, “Bull Durham” … Having had my share of Nuke Lalooshes with which to deal, I appreciate the efforts of Crash Davis to bring him along. Besides, “breath through your eyelids” is a timeless piece if advice.
No. 5, “Field of Dreams” … Anytime, a father comes out of a cornfield to have a catch with his son, the feels hit!!
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