Depth Chart

Penn State Unofficial Depth Chart: Week 4 vs. Iowa

Happy White Out week. Or is it whiteout? Or white-out? Maybe it’s Penn State Football White Out™?

Anyways, you’re supposed to wear white if you’re going to the football game this weekend. You should probably print out or save a depth chart to your phone so you can remember who is who.

Before you do that, be sure to subscribe to our podcast where ever you get our podcasts, including on YouTube. You can also follow us on Facebook here. We had a great interview with The Daily Collegian’s Seth Engle this week about being a student journalist and covering Penn State football. We also updated our logo for this week. We will have some more thoughts on the website later this week, too.

Phone screen depth chart link

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Darian Somers
Darian Somers is a 2016 graduate of Penn State and co-host of Stuff Somers Says with Steve. You can email Darian at Follow Darian on Twitter @StuffSomersSays.

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