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Share Your View of Beaver Stadium

Every seat inside Beaver Stadium has a story to tell.

We want you to help you share them. Please fill out the form below to share any memories, moments or stories you have from the view from your seat inside Beaver Stadium. You can also include a picture. Once we collect a few, we will share them in a future post.

In the meantime, you can read Steve’s “View From Our Seats” story here, and you can read my “View From Our Seats” story right here. Thank you in advance.

(P.S. there are actually two forms here, one for your story and one for your image. Please be sure to make you use the same name for both.)

[wordpress_file_upload fitmode=”responsive” createpath=”false” placements=”title/filename/selectbutton/uploadbutton/subfolders/userdata/message” uploadtitle=”Upload Picture” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Your Name (Again)|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:inline|d:”]

Special thank you to Michael Higgins, Cassie Leighton, Carly Rocque, Cam Kurtz and Chris Holmes for sharing their images above.

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Darian Somers
Darian Somers is a 2016 graduate of Penn State and co-host of Stuff Somers Says with Steve. You can email Darian at Follow Darian on Twitter @StuffSomersSays.

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